Physiotherapy Technicians are important members of any clinical laboratory team. The job of a Physiotherapy Technician is to obtain blood and various other clinical specimens from the patients. New diagnostic techniques, clinical laboratory technology , and automated instruments have greatly increased the demand for trained Physiotherapy Technician. Physiotherapy Technician can work in hospitals, blood banks, physician offices or in independent labs.
After completion of this course, the student will be able to
- Explain procedure to the patient confidently.
- Check vital signs of the patient such as pulse, temperature, blood pressure, etc.
- Obtain blood samples by venipuncture and microcollection methods, in a skillful, safe and accurate.
- Obtain other clinical specimens such as urine, stool.
- saliva, and semen using appropriate collection techniques.
- Label the vacutainers and sample vials appropriately. Obtain other clinical specimens such as urine, stool, saliva, and semen using appropriate collection techniques.
- Transport all specimens to the laboratory .
- Follow strict safer.
- Follow infection control.
Course Description
- Introduction to Healthcare Systems & Laboratory Services
- Role of the Physiotherapy Technicians
- Structure and Function of Human Body
- Basic Sensitization to Biochemists and Clinical Biochemists
- Introduction to Laboratory related Medical Terminology
- Bio Medical Waste Management
- Basic Sensitization to Hematology and Clinical Pathology
- Pre-analytical Laboratory Testing Process
- Infection control and prevention
- Safer & First Aid
- Basic Sensitization to Bacteriology , Histopathology , Cytopathology, lmmunology, Serology and Blood Banking.
- Observing, Reporting & Documentation
- Professional Behavior in Healthcare Setting
- Patient‘s Environment in Hospital, Laboratory & Home Setting
- Basic Sensitization to Parasitology , Mycology and Virology
- Basic Sensitization on Analitical Laboratory Testing Process
- Sensitization on current best practices in laboratory
- Basic Computer Knowledge